James Prichard




Region & Induction Date

Ft. Worth Region - September 2014

  • Sponsors:  Bicycle Harbor, Diamond Back, Supercross, S & S Bikes, ESP and Factory GT
  • Started BMX in the fall of 1980
  • Favorite track at the time was Rabbit Run and Hidden Trails
  • James's dad, Charles Prichard, Porter Gibbins and Eddie Milligan started the infamous Cowtown and soon afterwards BMX became everything.
  • Started a small BMX magazine called Texas Zine which printed over 400 copies a month.  This opened the door for James to write for ABA Action, BMX Action, BMX Plus and Go Magazine.
  • Been on 4 covers of various BMX publications which gave the nickname "Coverboy" for a few years.
  • Many races on the National stage, won the ABA National #3 spot in cruiser and National top 20 rankings both in class and cruiser.